Favorite Logos of 2022
A recap of some of my favorite unchosen logos and submarks from 2022 branding projects including one of a geometric hummingbird logo and one for a health and wellness coach logo.
There were so many fun branding projects in 2022 and so many amazing clients! Since each branding process gets 2-3 fully designed brand identity options, not all logos make the cut. Even if they don’t become the final version of a logo design, the creation and refinement is still an important part of the process. The health and wellness coaching logo on the bottom left even got featured on designrush best-designs. And I’m still a little in love with the geometric hummingbird logo. 😍
Like a logo above and think it’s the perfect fit for your business?
Feel free to reach out for details on how to purchase!
How much money do you need to save for maternity leave?
The second part of planning for maternity leave is going to cover finances and inform everyone around you! If you missed them, check out the first two posts in this series: when you take your maternity leave and how to set up systems for your business to run smoothly.
This is the big question for solopreneurs planning for maternity leave:
how much money do you need to save?
To begin this process of discovery, break down what you pay on a monthly basis now and what you may be paying once the baby comes.
The first category to breakdown is your monthly personal expenses:
auto insurance,
student loans/debt,
health insurance
After this, factor in the baby expenses:
pumping bags,
misc. midnight purchases (it happens!).
Planning a baby budget and giving yourself some wiggle room for impulse buys can help alleviate a lot of financial stress in an already stressful situation. You will find there are typically a lot of monthly buys you did not expect for the baby.
The next category to break down are your monthly biz expenses:
admin (scheduling apps, website host),
studio/office costs
The final category to break down will be your extracurricular expenses:
takeout/easy meals,
house cleaner,
hospital bills.
These are all subject to change and might go up or down after the baby comes (ie: maybe more for house cleaning and less for travel). However, having a rough breakdown will help you create a feasible budget for the months you’ll be on leave!
How to plan for maternity leave as a solopreneur
During pregnancy, I realized that all the information about maternity leave dealt with people in corporate jobs – rarely people that work for themselves. I had to figure out everything myself (I did a LOT of deep googling). I wanted to help solopreneurs plan for maternity leave without the hassle, so created plans, worksheets, and posts to help teach others what I learned myself.
Preparing for Maternity Leave Part 1:
First, you want to get an understanding of what maternity leave will really feel like, specifically with regard to your emotions and expectations. You may think that you will feel a certain way, but you don’t really know how you will actually feel until you walk through each step.
Everything will change: your emotions, relationships, energy levels, etc. All of this is normal, but remember that while you may think everything will feel fine, it may not – and that is okay!
How do you know when to stop working?
What is the final day that you cross off your to-do’s? This is different for everyone, but there are some good guidelines to follow.
The first is to reverse engineer your time. After 35 weeks, focus your attention only on ‘nice to dos’. These are things that you don’t have to get done and are not crucial. Things such as Instagram posts, newsletters, and expenses.
Before 35 weeks focus on ‘must dos’. These are tasks such as client work, scheduling blog posts, etc. Again, this is all relative to each person and you may feel super exhausted around 30 weeks and need to lay in bed for hours a day, so keep that in mind! If you can, you may also want to scale down your hours slowly instead of stopping altogether.
How long should you plan to be out on maternity leave?
This is personal. I can’t answer that for you! However, I like to say plan for whatever you think you’ll need plus a little more. You can always come back earlier, but it is harder to add extra time at the end after you have scheduled finances, delegations, etc.
Should you work during maternity leave?
This is also different for everyone, but I can give you a few pointers. For many, it depends on the type of work you do. In general, it is better to handle minor tasks: responding to emails, writing posts or newsletters, checking in on social media - but the key is to not stress yourself out with anything work related. Give yourself permission to just be present!
Here are another few things to consider:
Maternity leave shorter than 12 weeks puts women at higher risk of postpartum depression and anxiety.
Will you/how long will you be breastfeeding?
And how long can your partner take off?
Favorite Logos of 2021
A recap of some of my favorite unchosen logos and submarks from 2021 branding projects including one for an acupuncturist and a child and family counseling logo.
There were so many fun branding projects in 2021 and so many amazing clients! Since each branding process gets 3-4 fully designed brand identity options, not all logos get the green light. Some aren't quite right for the client or maybe just didn't fit as well as another option, but I have a little love for all of my logos (and maybe get a little too attached?? Eh, whatever!).
These are some of my favorite branding concepts and their variations created that didn't make the final cut.
Like a logo above and think it’s the perfect fit for your business?
Feel free to reach out for details on how to purchase!
Questions to ask yourself when you’re in a business funk
Everyone’s creative process looks different, but a lot have the same initial phases. Here are a few thoughts on how to streamline yours.
Every few years, my creative brain starts to wander. I imagine new businesses I could start or new projects that really feel like they would light me up. I fantasize about how amazing it would be to take on these new roles and shake up my routines. When these thoughts bubble up, I admittedly follow them down the rabbit hole of creative dreamland. What I always end up realizing is that I don’t actually want to burn everything down and start over.
So what is bringing up all of this distracted energy?
What’s usually happening is a little below the surface (always is, right?). Sometimes this happens around a season of rest or wintering. Sometimes this happens when you’ve been at it awhile and are beginning to feel those telltale signs of burnout. Sometimes you do have more to give or may have had a shift in your values or priorities.
Whatever the reason, if you find yourself feeling like you're in a business rut, here are some questions you can ask yourself.
What do I like doing?
What DON’T I like doing?
What am I really good at?
What is really important to me right now?
Who is really important to me right now?
What will have the greatest impact on my life and/or my business?
Using these questions will help you determine what to focus on and what to let go of. From here, you can begin to find ways to incorporate new creative ideas into your current business; you probably don’t need to burn it all down and start anew.
Getting into a funk is a natural part of life and business. Everything is cyclical after all. Pop open your journal, ask yourself these questions, and see what comes up.
Rest is not a reward
Everyone’s creative process looks different, but a lot have the same initial phases. Here are a few thoughts on how to streamline yours.
What is the deal with our cultural idea of rest? It seems to be synonymous with lazy, unproductive, invaluable, and even shameful. I’m here to remind you, no… implore you, to reconsider these ideas of rest. KC Davis speaks to this idea of rest being deserved inherently and not something we only deserve at the end of productivity.
We only have so much energy at any given moment.
As we exchange that energy throughout our daily lives, we become literally depleted of that energy. Imagine you work 6 hours with clients everyday, but then continue on to clean your house, take care of kids or pets, go for a run, chat with a partner, check in on a family member, and on and on. Each activity depletes your energy storage.
A good way to think about energy is as a glass of water. Some activities in our lives require a lot of that water (eg: client work, parenting, exercise, etc). Some activities may only need a small sip (eg: writing an email or doing the dishes). And some activities may be more like an energy exchange (eg: chatting with a friend), which is more like giving a little water and getting a little back. But at some point, your cup is running low. You just don’t have any more water to give to anyone, including yourself. We all have limited energy.
And so, we rest. We recover. We re-up.
It’s a critical part of the process! And it allows you to actually give more than if you push on through.
But another belief many have is that rest is the thing at the end. It’s the reward for all the hard work. “Once I do XYZ, then I can take a break”. “If I can just squeeze out three more emails, then I will let myself rest.”
Rest is not a reward. Rest is something you are inherently worthy of.
It is as essential as food and water. It makes you better at everything else. There is no shame in resting, sleeping, meditating, going for a walk, watching a little Netflix, folding the laundry tomorrow, or never folding the laundry at all. You are not lazy. You still have value.
Allow yourself to take breaks. Pencil it into your calendar if you have to. Put the laundry out of sight. Do whatever you need to do to shift the belief that your rest is not as valuable as your work.
We are all worthy of rest.
a custom WEBSITE?
Creating systems for your business while you take maternity leave
I had a baby back in August 2018.
During pregnancy, I realized that all the information about maternity leave dealt with people in corporate jobs – rarely people that work for themselves. I had to figure out everything myself (I did a LOT of deep googling). I wanted to help solopreneurs plan for maternity leave without the hassle, so created plans, worksheets, and posts to help teach others what I learned myself.
In a previous post, I talked about determining how long to take off for maternity leave and when to start your maternity leave. Pop back to that post here.
Now for the business side of things: setting up systems.
For this process I like to use three tools:
Delegating is the first step.
For this, I used my virtual assistant to help take on tasks that were still essential to my business, but that I could not accomplish myself during this time. She responded to emails and directed potential and current clients where they need to go. You may find that you need to hire someone new, or it could be as simple as passing on your Instagram to guest takeovers. The key is delegating tasks that someone else CAN do for you while you’re out on your maternity leave.
The next step is deferring.
What should you put off until you decide to come back? These are things like new client projects, sales calls, launches, etc. -- things that all take a lot of effort and time. Let them wait until you come back fully before diving into these tasks.
The last step is deleting.
If you are not going to delegate or defer a task, then you likely just need to delete it. This can include saying no to atypical projects, deleting emails, or just letting go of your marketing plan for a few months. The question to ask yourself is, “What can I take off of my plate right now?”.
Now for the non-biz related issues:
Yes, you have a business to run while your on maternity leave, but you also have a new baby! And you need some extra care, too as you recover and adjust to your new normal. Here are some things you can set up before the baby comes:
Meal prep or request a food train from friends! You are going to be tired and extremely hungry during those first few months. At the end of a long day, it is so nice to be able to lean on someone else for dinner (or those meals you so studious froze weeks ago).
You also need to find a strong support system! Whether it be family, friends, doula, partner, etc. There is not a MORE important time for community than after the arrival of a baby.
Also, prepare for the potential onset of postpartum anxiety and depression. No one thinks it will happen, but it’s much harder to find the help you need when you’re in it. Find breastfeeding support as well. La Leche league is a good group to reach out to, and there are also some city-specific resources that may be worth looking into!
I suggest creating a list of names + numbers of support professionals you can quickly call if needed (ie: lactation consultant, post-partum doula, therapist, etc).
Favorite Logos of 2019
A recap of some of my favorite unchosen logos and submarks from 2019 branding projects.
There were so many fun branding projects in 2019 and so many amazing clients! Since each branding process gets 3-4 fully designed brand identity options, not all logos get the green light. Some aren't quite right for the client or maybe just didn't fit as well as another option, but I have a little love for all of my logos (and maybe get a little too attached?).
Below are some of my favorite branding concepts and their variations created that didn't make the final cut.
a custom LOGO?
Transitioning Back to Work After a Career Break
You’ve taken some time to focus on things over than your biz for a bit. You may have wrapped up a maternity leave (like me!) or had an extended vacation. While breaks can be a fantastic thing, the transition back to your desk chair can be a little difficult if you don’t prepare for that transition.
You’ve taken some time to focus on things other than your biz for a bit. You may have wrapped up a maternity leave (like me!) or had an extended vacation. While breaks can be a fantastic thing, the transition back to your desk chair can be a little difficult if you don’t prepare for that transition.
Here are some tips that I recommend for getting back into the office efficiently and limiting the stress of it all.
Ease back into things slowly
If you work from home or have the luxury of making your hours, try a few half days of work instead of the full 8-hour shift. Having this easing period can help with the shock of being back in it all.
If you don’t have the chance to set your hours, make sure that when you clock in, you clock out on time as well. No late nighters trying to play catch up. Take your time and get back into the swing of things.
You’ll probably feel a little out of sorts being back at work and that’s normal. It will be a change of pace compared to what you are coming from. It’s okay to feel this way. Just acknowledge that you may need a little more time in the mornings to get ready for the day or more time at the end of the day to unwind or squish those new baby cheeks. Figure out a flow that works best for you.
Prioritize your to-do’s
Please, please, please - prioritize your to-do’s when you are getting back to the grind. It’s so important during this time.
Create a list of the top three things to complete. Stick with those. Don’t get distracted by your inbox or take up time organizing your desktop files now. This is not the time to procrastinate. You’ve got a little bit of catching up to do or a kiddo to get home to. Stick to your plan and having a short list is way more manageable. Finish those three by lunch? Way to go. Try adding three more before the day is over. No need to overwork yourself, but try to use your time wisely. Time management is key.
Ask for help when you need it
I’m going to be real with you here. You are going to feel overwhelmed at least a few times before you get out of the clear. That’s okay. Ask for help! Processes may have changed, or clients have updated items while you were gone. Get up to date on the latest.
Another option for your workload is hiring a contractor or virtual assistant. You can assign items on your list and offload some things. I highly suggest this option if it is doable for you!
Whatever tip you use, just give yourself some grace. It will take some time for things to feel like they are back to “normal” or at least the new normal. And that’s totally Ok.
a custom WEBSITE?
This little logo process is from the branding process for Embraced Podcast, a podcast about women empowering women.
This little logo process is from the branding process for Embraced Podcast, a podcast about women empowering women. Having dabbled in the podcasting world for a hot second, I was excited to brand someone else's podcast! The branding to needed to embody women who share their strength, courage, perseverance, and self-love. Um... hell yes! Feminine strength was the design direction.
Below are several of the concepts and variations created before we nailed down the final logo.
a custom LOGO?
There are so many ways to share on Instagram Stories and while the easiest way is to share a quick photo or video selfie, there are some strategies you can implement to add your brand's voice and visuals to your stories timeline.
Since Instagram is such a great place to connect and share socially, I love sharing pieces of my clients' logo process, color palettes I'm creating, and sneak peaks at websites I'm building. There are so many ways to share on Instagram Stories and while the easiest way is to share a quick photo or video selfie, there are some strategies you can implement to add your brand's voice and visuals to your stories timeline.
01. Share what's inspiring you
I love this one because it's so simple, but it's unique and fun. Sharing a little collage or even just one photo of someone you've been following is a great way to share your aesthetic AND connect with your fellow 'grammers. Make sure to tag your story with the handle of the person's photo(s) that you're sharing so that they can engage with you and your followers can also engage with them.
02. Share what you're working on
If you normally share the finished product, try sharing some of the pieces that make up the process in your Instagram Stories. For me, this often looks like the logos that I create that don't get the final go ahead from my client. It's fun to share these designs that otherwise would never be seen! Plus, this gives future dream clients an idea of what it actually looks like to work with you.
03. Promos + marketing
Instagram Stories is a great place to promo something you want to make sure people see! Especially since the stories show up at the top of your audience's news feed, you are more likely to get seen and skip worrying about the newest Instagram algorithm. And there are lots of unique ways you can share and promote without feeling spammy. Take a look at the examples below for inspiration.
04. Share your blog posts
This might be my favorite thing to share on Instagram Stories because you already have the content! All you have to do is jazz it up for Instagram. By creating a few images for each major point of your post, you can share your content and make sure it's getting seen even if someone never visits your blog!
Not too hard, right?
Have another idea for injecting your brand
into your Instagram Stories?
How motherhood can make your business better
I had my business baby years before I had my sweet, little human baby. I loved my business and felt really proud to watch it grow and change over time. When I was planning to come back to work after having my son, I was worried that my business wouldn’t thrive like it had been before I became pregnant. What happened instead was something a little bit magical.
I was able to shift into a new set of hours and a workload that was less than I’d had in years. I felt like I was balancing less, but what I was adding to the scales was more important and worthwhile. In other words, my business after baby became more aligned with what I wanted all along.
So with that, here are some unexpected ways I’ve seen how motherhood can make your business better.
It helps you prioritize your time.
People talk about this one often. You have fewer hours in the day because some of those hours have to go to your kiddo. But if you still want to work as much as before, you’re forced to be efficient with your time. I can now crank out the bulk of what I need to get done in just 4 or 5 hours a day. I probably could have been doing that since the very beginning, but instead would get distracted by what I like to call “pretty procrastination” like Pinterest or perfecting a blog post cover. Now, I simply don’t have time. My kid will win the battle over Pinterest scrolling time any day.
It allows you to connect and “network” with other mamas.
This one is one of the best ways that motherhood has made my business better. I’m now in a few “business mama” groups and I love it! We can connect on marketing strategies and sleeping strategies in the same breath. And while I join for the community aspect, I tend to see referrals because these women come to trust me and my expertise. And I genuinely want to help their businesses succeed! It’s a win-win-win.
It puts everything into perspective.
Sort of obvious and totally cliche. (But here’s the deal with cliches - they exist because they’re true! If enough people say it, it becomes cliche. But they’re all saying it because it’s a common experience! So let’s embrace the cliches, #amiright??) Motherhood makes you realize that the thing that matters MOST is your kiddo. Everything else becomes supplementary to that. So when there is a website emergency that happens at bedtime… well it’s not really an emergency at all. At least not one that can’t wait until I’m done reading Goodnight Moon (for the 126,937th time).
It reaffirms who you are.
The first year of motherhood is straight up crazy. Between the hormones, lack of sleep, new routines and suddenly having a new human around, it’s easy to lose yourself. I personally think that every new mama is effected by this differently. For some, not being able to get dressed up, put on makeup and feel fresh is super tough. For others, not having any autonomy or feeling overly depended upon is what shakes them up. For me, I lost myself in my business. I didn’t know who I was as both a designer and mama. A year in and I’ve settled back in even more firmly into who I am as a designer and business owner. I KNOW who I am, and it’s 98% of who I was before. But after becoming a mama, I’m unapologetically myself - in life and business.
When I talk to other creative biz owners, the most common complaint they have at any given time is about their out-of-control inbox. "Who has the time?" they say, or "It's just too overwhelming." And inbox zero? "Impossible!" There are a few major problems with having an inbox that is overflowing...
When I talk to other creative biz owners, the most common complaint they have at any given time is about their out-of-control inbox. "Who has the time?" they say, or "It's just too overwhelming." And inbox zero? "Impossible!" There are a few major problems with having an inbox that is overflowing:
Things get lost. Then tasks get left behind and client projects get delayed.
Clients feel ignored. This is my #1 no-no as a biz owner!
You feel overwhelmed or drained! You don't have time to do what lights you up / what you love.
I promise that this does not have to be the case!
I have some simple tips for managing your inbox that will help you get back to doing what you love.
Touch it once. I admit that I have a hard time with this one, but it's really helpful. The idea is that you only "touch" an email one time, which means that if you read it, respond right away rather than clicking over to the next email or marking it "unread". This helps you respond to the email without letting it linger in your inbox. But what if the email takes a lot of thought or is a revision on a logo...
Add it to your to-do list. If the email is a client asking you for something that you know will take awhile, add it to your to-do list. Do not use your inbox as your to-do list!! Instead, write the client back to confirm you received their email, and let them know when they can expect your response/next round of deliverables.
Canned responses. You guys, canned responses save my sanity. Canned responses are email templates that you can use for different types of emails. I have a canned response for inquiries, client on-boarding, scheduling, confirming calls, and about 15 more. Heres a handy little guide that walks you through how to set them up on Gmail.
Boomerang for Gmail. Sometimes you may want a reminder to follow up with someone after a a few days or if they haven't responded to you (maybe because their inbox is crazy!). In Gmail, you can install Boomerang, which allows you to set follow up reminders on any given email. For example, maybe you sent out a proposal to your dream client and want to make sure to follow up if they haven't responded within a week. Boomerang can push that email back into your inbox after a week has gone by if your dream client hasn't responded! It also allows you to schedule your emails to send out at a later date.
Archive. If you're starting from a point where you have hundreds and hundreds of emails, just start by archiving them. Archived emails are still around (not deleted), and if you just do a simple search, you can easily find them without cluttering up your inbox.
Those are my top 5 tips for managing your inbox! Here's my inbox for proof that it can be done!
Did I leave any out that you've tried? Let me know and feel free to share your cleaned up inboxes with me!
ps- Gmail did not promote this post! This is just my genuine opinion and what works for me but if Gmail wants to throw some $$ my way, I wouldn't be mad at it. Heyyyyyyy Google.
5 Ways to Take Advantage of a Slow Summer
You've survived the busy season and the slow summer is starting. While rest is a huge component of this time, you can be proactive in preparing for a packed schedule starting in a few months. Here are 5 way to take advantage of a slow summer!
You've survived the busy season and Summer is finally here! But what often comes with Summer is that slow period in your biz. Even with less work on your plate, you can still be proactive in preparing for a packed schedule starting in a few months.
1. Creating content - Now is the time to get that content created and scheduled weeks in advance. You can brainstorm newsletter topics and start drafting content. Get a photoshoot on the calendar or pick up some props for a day of shooting photos in the office for your Instagram. No more stressing about getting that newsletter out on time, you can prepare ahead of time!
2. Networking - Meet up with that digital friend in person! Grab lunch or get "virtual coffee" with that connection you have been too busy to talk to. Another idea is to attend a creative conference. That's the perfect place to network with others.
3. Planning a launch or new service - Whether it's a launch or revealing a new service, setting these things up can take a lot of time and organization. Your slow season is the perfect time to get this done.
4. Complete a course - That course you bought three months ago? You still haven't even touched it, have you? Start that baby up and complete it. Time to get your money's worth out of that investment.
5. Set new goals - Your busy season could have sparked some new goals or altered existing ones. Now that you have the time, make note of your goals and put them in a place that you will see them consistently, like your office. What can you cross off during the summer that can make these goals happen?
BONUS - Just enjoy the break! Work will always pick back up (even when you think it won't, promise!) so enjoy those naps while you can. Set up poolside and read that fiction novel that's been on your bedside table for months. Get together with friends for a beach weekend. Whatever refuels you, do it!
In the MOOD boards: Nursery Plans
Every experience, every step of this pregnancy has been a little adventure. Besides buying onesies and enjoying those little kicks getting stronger everyday, I'm also planning for the nursery!
As many of you have probably seen if you hang with me on social media, I'm expecting my first little one mid-August. Every experience, every step of this pregnancy has been a little adventure. Besides buying onesies and enjoying those little kicks getting stronger everyday, I'm also planning for the nursery! And since anytime I plan anything design-related, I make a mood board, I thought I'd share it here with y'all!
A cute little combo of celestial elements with natural wood and wicker elements and (of course!) plants. We are keeping the gender a surprise so this design let's us make the room a cozy fit for a newborn without the "traditional" unisex colors (who decided green and yellow were the go-to anyway??).
Ways to Conquer + Avoid Burnout
Burnout can creep up on you over the course of months or even years and exhaust you to your core rendering you unable to continue doing the work you once loved. Here are a few ways to conquer burnout and even help you avoid it altogether!
Burnout isn't just reserved for CEOs of giant companies or supermoms trying to "do it all." Burnout can creep up on you over the course of months or even years and exhaust you to your core rendering you unable to continue doing the work you once loved.
Think you may be on the road to burnout?
Take this quick little quiz to find out:
Have you become irritable or impatient with clients?
Are you feeling exhausted most of the time or feel unable to be productive?
Have you lost the satisfaction you once had from your work or creative projects?
Are you experiencing a shift in your physical well being (ie: increased headaches, back pains, etc)?
Do you feel stressed on Sunday nights thinking about the week ahead?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to take a step back. Also, let’s just pause to note that this is normal, it happens and it’s okay. Below are a few ways to alleviate burnout and hopefully help you avoid it altogether.
1. Take a deep breath -
Meditation might be your answer to tackle your sizzling burnout. Apps like Headspace or Calm walk you through meditation exercises to help recenter you. Even just 10 minutes a day can be so helpful. Even if you don’t dig meditation, try a little mindfulness. Go on a walk without your phone (what!?). Eat dinner without talking, watching or listening to anything or anyone. Fold laundry and focus on each movement of your arms. You can turn anything into a mindfulness practice!
2. Talk to a loved one (or an expert) -
Catching up with a close friend can help break up those stressful schedules. Talk about something other than work to help get your mind off of it. Schedule a coffee date or Zoom hang. Get it on your calendar so that you actually make space for this time. If things feel like you truly can’t get control or are on a super high level of stress and anxiety, it might be a good idea to find a counselor, therapist or coach.
3. Shut it down -
Time to turn off the technology and go analog. Shut down the desktop and turn off the tablet. An electronic free afternoon might be the perfect cure. Still need to get stuff done for work? Try the pen and paper route instead for a bit. If you need to be on your computer, close all your apps and browser tabs. Have JUST ONE THING open. Also try to set screen hours. Say 7:30pm is the cut off time to turn off the TV + phone and instead read or play a game.
1. Learn to say no -
Easier said than done, right? I'm a recovering people-pleaser, so I get it. Learning to say no can help you big time with future burnout. Think of the more meaningful things you can say yes to when you say no to more tedious things. Boundaries in business takes practice, so just know that each time you say no it gets easier. (Hot tip: accept that the other person will likely have uncomfortable feelings about your boundaries and that’s okay.)
2. Save some white space in your schedule -
Overcrowding your schedule means there’s no space for rest. Keeping time slots clear in your planner will help you avoid burnout. Create a standing meeting with yourself weekly (or even daily) to catch up on that favorite show or read a few chapters of a book. Just step back. Remember, rest is not a reward.
3. Give yourself rest -
The best way to avoid burnout is to get plenty of rest. If you can, try stop binging the latest Netflix original and go to sleep early (listen, it’s hard and I get it!). Take the weekend off of work. Plan a vacation and DON'T CHECK EMAIL! Actually allow yourself to rest and reset. If these options feel too big, try smaller moments of rest to start with. Go for a ten minute walk. Get up and stretch before starting your next task. Call someone you love and talk with them for 10 or 15 minutes. Breathe.
Even just being aware of burnout can help. Balance matters and you deserve it!
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Favorite Logos of 2017
A recap of some of my favorite unchosen logos and submarks from 2017 branding projects.
There were so many fun branding projects in 2017 and so many amazing clients! Since each branding process gets 3-4 fully designed brand identity options, not all logos get the green light. Some aren't quite right for the client or maybe just didn't fit as well as another option, but I have a little love for all of my logos (and maybe get a little too attached?? Eh, whatever!).
Below are some of my favorite branding concepts and their variations created that didn't make the final cut.
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Since Instagram is such a great place to connect and share socially, I love sharing recent Go Live in 5 projects on there! The problem I always have with sharing websites is that it's hard to get a sense of an interactive site in a static square image. So I created a scroll effect and shared it as a video. This give a MUCH better sense of the site when you actually view it online.
Since Instagram is such a great place to connect and share socially, I love sharing recent Go Live in 5 projects on there! The problem I always have with sharing websites is that it's hard to get a sense of an interactive site in a static square image. So I created a scroll effect and shared it as a video. This give a MUCH better sense of the site when you actually view it online.
Since I've been sharing these scrolling website mockups, people just keep asking me: How do you create a scroll effect for your website mockup?? So today, I'm listing out the exact step-by-step process so you can do it, too!
*Tiny note: I use QuickTime and Photoshop for this process (and I have a Mac). This is not a sponsored post, but these are the programs I recommend.
Step 1
01. Open QuickTime
02. Click File > New Screen Recording
03. Click the red record button
04. Adjust the selection tool to crop just the screen
05. Click Start Recording
06. Scroll through the page you want to record
07. Save the recording
Step 2
01. Open Photoshop
02. Add your computer mockup to layer 1
03. Add a shape that covers the computer mockup screen to layer 2
04. Drop in your recorded file (should be mp4 format)
05. Create clipping mask that pulls the recording into the shape you created from step 03
06. Open the Timeline (usually below your art window)
07. In the dropdown that says Create Frame Animation, change that to Create Video Timeline. This will add all your layers to the timeline.
08. Pull each layer in the Timeline to match the length of your video
09. To save, click Export > Render Video
That's it!
Want to download the Photoshop file and save a step?
Instagram, and social media in general, are helpful tools for small business owners that can provide a free marketing opportunity. But what would happen if you STOPPED marketing your biz on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?
That's the question I wondered when I decided to quit Instagram. And what I found out about my business was a total surprise.
Instagram, and social media in general, are helpful tools for small business owners. They can provide a free marketing opportunity that gets your services or products in front of an otherwise untapped audience.
But what would happen if you STOPPED marketing your biz on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter? That's the question I wondered when I decided to quit Instagram. And what I found out about my business was a total surprise (spoiler alert: it's all OK).
My decision to take a break from Instagram came after a few things all came to a head at once:
01. I had been working hard to create new + interesting content for Instagram specifically and was beginning to feel uninspired and burnt out.
02. I had been feeling (and still do) a little bored of all the posts I was seeing. And isn't part of the point of being on Instagram to get inspired? I felt like I had seen every post on:
Cute animals ✓
Styled desk shots ✓
Anything pink ✓
Pumpkin Spice everything ✓✓✓
03. Instagram decided to shadowban some of my posts, and more maddeningly, I had no idea why! I scoured the web to see what I had done "wrong" since I wasn't buying followers or posting robot comments. I'm still not 100% sure what happened (which should be reason #4!), but it may have something to do with using hashtags that had been banned. #tgif and #dogsofinstagram are now in the group of hashtags that have been exiled. How the heck would I know that!? There are probably others that seem normal that I may have been using without knowing they were banned.
So I decided that since no one was seeing my posts due to the shadowban anyway, I would just stop posting altogether. And not only that, but I DELETED the Instagram and Facebook apps from my devices.
So what happened during the 6 week hiatus?
Inquiries still came in. My business kept running. And the world kept turning.
But what's more, I actually gained followers. I gained followers at a slightly higher rate than I had been before I stopped posting. I also had more free time to write blog posts, build killer websites, and watch Modern Family.
What does that mean for you and your business?
Two things:
01. It's simply worth knowing that your biz will not suddenly explode if you stop posting to social media, especially with all the other important shit you actually have to do to run a business (hello expense reports...).
02. You can let the social media part slide a little and focus on other forms of content sharing like blogging. Your website is a tool no one can take from you, so take advantage!