How to Find Sophisticated Therapy Stock Photos

Did you know it takes only 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines if they stay or leave? Often, the first thing a user sees in that time is the photos on your site. 

Photos have the ability to elevate your website design or completely distract from it - no matter how well-designed it is. 

As a therapist, you want your clients to feel seen and comforted upon arrival to your website. They want to know that your practice provides a safe place for them to come as they are – with all of their feelings and struggles. The goal of your website photography should be to aid in portraying the atmosphere you wish to provide at your practice.

Before beginning your search for therapy stock photos, take a moment to think about the atmosphere and style you wish to portray through them. Do you want to display a cozy, nurturing environment? Or a light, inviting, and minimal space? Do you want to portray the diversity of your clients or focus on your space itself?

After you’ve thought through these things, you can begin your search for the best stock photos for your therapy website.

Our favorite sources for free stock photography are and

These two websites have great libraries of photos that differentiate from the often cheesy stock photos found online. They tend to have a more artful approach – perfect for finding sophisticated therapy photos. 

When searching on free stock websites, try to search outside of the obvious terms like “therapy” and “therapist”. You may find great results when searching other things like “office”, “friends”, or “minimal”.

Another great option for your website is to take a look at paid stock options. While not always necessary, it can open up a lot more options to use for banner images on your website! A few of our favorite options for paid stock photos are: 

With both free and paid stock photography, make sure to read licensing agreements thoroughly, and make sure you understand before using the images!

Get intentional with your photo choices for your website and your clients will instantly feel more attracted to your practice!


a custom WEBSITE?



Web Design Myth: I should appeal to everyone in order to book more clients.


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