I've seen too many websites to count. This is, in part, because I am a human living in the 21st century. But it's also because I'm a web designer, and it's my job to stare at, create, and edit websites day in and day out! After years of studying and perusing the web world, I've learned some pretty important items that make for a successful website. And the first thing you see on any website is the homepage. It's like the internet's handshake. "Nice to meet you! Let me introduce myself." Needless to say, your homepage is important. With that in mind, there are some super simple things that you can do to improve your homepage and make sure it's giving that firm handshake.
Clear Call-to-Actions• This is so important. Direct your audience to the places you'd like them to visit by including clear call-to-actions in the form of links or buttons. You control where they end up on your website!
Your Mission Statement • What do you even do?! You know your business inside and out, but a new visitor may know nothing about it. A short sentence front and center is essential.
Your Brand Name • Duh! But you'd be surprised how often I find myself on a website and have no idea where I am or whose website the page belongs to. Make sure your logo is easy to see. It should be at the top and bottom of your homepage.
Appropriate Imagery • Your homepage imagery should represent your business offering. If you're a florist, you should have photos of flowers or bouquets, not nessiciarily yourself.
Services Overview • You've added your mission, but what are your actual service offerings? If your a graphic design boutique (ahem), you may put that in your mission statement, but then list out what design services you offer (branding, web design, etc). Not every business in the same field offers the same services.
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