Selling on your website, simplified

Selling on your website does not have to be difficult! That's why Liz from and I wanted to share our go-to tips for getting your online sales systems together. The strategies we share in our recent webinar will help you take the steps necessary to lock in dream clients without feeling stressed about the process. 

Here's a little preview of the topics we covered below: 

The Best Way to Collect Email Addresses

Provide people with a reason to trust you with their email. Make sure to share content that really is valuable to them. That way, when they see your emails pop up in their inbox, they will want to open them. (For example, I offer lots of actionable SQSP tips and tricks!).

A great place to feature your opt in is on your homepage. Your opt in is not the usual 'sign up for my email list' button, but a more highlighted feature on your site. Let this stand out on your page with an enticing design like a cute graphic or unique button. You also don't have to limit this opt in to just your homepage! Featuring your newsletter sign-up form on multiple pages throughout your site is always a good idea.

What To Do on Your About Pages

Ultimately people are visiting your About page to learn more about how you can help them, not your life story. The main point of your website is to continually position yourself as an expert. Your About page should just continue to reiterate this to your potential clients. 

Consider reframing your about page into a 'Start Here' page. This can blend the about page structure, the person behind the business and what your business can provide to others. This type of page can guide people through a few different routes, such as checking out your blog or hiring you for your services. 

A final thought - make sure to add a headshot or photo of yourself on your About page! Crucial. People want to put a face with your name! People buy from people, so keep that in mind. Add a human touch to the digital space!


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