Upala Rose Acupuncture + Facial Therapy

Web Design


Upala Rose Acupuncture & Facial Therapy is unlike other acupuncture clinics in that they specialize exclusively in facial rejuvenation therapies. That is what sets them apart from other acupuncturists, but they are not just a part of the acupuncture industry, but are also part of the beauty industry.

Natalie’s goal in working with June Mango was to walk away with a classic and classy logo that could grow with her business and link the website, social media and print brand presence together. We had the challenge of pulling inspiration from Chinese signature seals/chops, woodblock prints, and stencils, while also creating a logo fit for the beauty industry.

We rounded out the project with our Go Live in 5® process completing the website and launching Upala Rose as an amazing new business.



"I just wanted to say how great the site is. Everyone I have shown it to has been so impressed. It is an amazing feeling to have such a polished online presence, really lifts me up and I feel so proud to show it to people. Choosing to work with you has been one of my best business decisions and so rewarding, thank you!"

Natalie Petersen, Owner of Upala Rose Acupuncture and Facial Therapy