Type Study on Insta

I’ve somehow found myself wrapped up in multiple outreach programs that are just pulling - no, TEARING - at my heartstrings lately. Maybe it’s the holidays, maybe it’s the incessant political newsfeed, or maybe it’s just my heart growing after becoming a mama, but I am overwhelmed.

For example, after learning about the crazy-fast depletion of the elephant population, I promptly adopted an orphaned elephant named Enkesha. She’s absolutely precious (and you can peep her story here). Then I heard about Dressember from the crazy-clad Ella London and shared their mission with all my fellow ladies.

But the one that really got me…I mean like really pushed me over the edge of the i-can’t-sit-here-and-do-nothing cliff was the death of a 16 year old migrant kid being detained at the border. Before you run away from this post, let me assure you it’s not politically-motivated. It’s mother-motivated. I’m heartbroken for his mother. I’m heartbroken for all the mothers who have lost their sweet, innocent kiddos. I was feeling helpless, so I turned to what I know - design. If nothing else, I want to remember the names of the 7 children who have died during this border crisis. They are real. They are loved. And they will be remembered, at the very least, by me.

If it pulls at your heartstrings too and you want to help, you can check out savethechildren.org to get started.

June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.


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