Type Study on Insta
I’ve somehow found myself wrapped up in multiple outreach programs that are just pulling - no, TEARING - at my heartstrings lately. Maybe it’s the holidays, maybe it’s the incessant political newsfeed, or maybe it’s just my heart growing after becoming a mama, but I am overwhelmed.
For example, after learning about the crazy-fast depletion of the elephant population, I promptly adopted an orphaned elephant named Enkesha. She’s absolutely precious (and you can peep her story here). Then I heard about Dressember from the crazy-clad Ella London and shared their mission with all my fellow ladies.
But the one that really got me…I mean like really pushed me over the edge of the i-can’t-sit-here-and-do-nothing cliff was the death of a 16 year old migrant kid being detained at the border. Before you run away from this post, let me assure you it’s not politically-motivated. It’s mother-motivated. I’m heartbroken for his mother. I’m heartbroken for all the mothers who have lost their sweet, innocent kiddos. I was feeling helpless, so I turned to what I know - design. If nothing else, I want to remember the names of the 7 children who have died during this border crisis. They are real. They are loved. And they will be remembered, at the very least, by me.