What activities do they do for fun? What do they spend time on that they wish they didn't have to worry about?
Consider these as general examples: financial resources, status, time, social or community, deeper meaning, health or wellness. Expand on these or others!
Your dream customer’s outward problem is causing them to experience certain emotions. These feelings create a deeper problem and are the real reason they
reach out to you and not someone else. For example, that dream customer needs a website but their internal problem is that they don’t have much time to spare
and also feel a little embarrassed by how little technical knowledge they have.
In the space below, jot down any and all words that come to mind when you think of your brand. These words can be anything at all: colors, feelings, smells,
tones, moods, people, emotions, etc. Try not to overthink this - just let it flow! Once you’re finished, begin PART TWO below.
For example, you may offer Group Therapy but only for postpartum women.
Hey, I’m __________________________ [your name], and my business is called
[your biz name if it’s different than your own – obviously this is optional].
I’m a ____________________________________________________
[your easiest-to-understand title / label, like photographer, writer, designer, stylist, blogger, food coach].
But what I’m really known for is ____________________________________________
[your creative expertise or process – what you want to talk about and be known for].
I love working with ______________________________ [your dream clients] who are typically
________________________ [their style, personality, niche, or common need].
So I help them by ______________________________________________________
[restate what you do in a simpler way, perhaps with a quick example].